This is very important when showing up to your customer and providing service as a local locksmith in Waterloo. Appearing happy gives the customer confidence that you are in the mood for the job. Your general happiness in most cases will keep you intact throughout the whole customer service procedure and definitely will save your career.
Show your happy face!
2. Avoid TMI:
TMI - Too Much Info - avoiding spending time on conversations which contain too much information about yourself or the customer, these can tire the customer out emotionally since he just met you. The conversation can get too heavy and your customer becomes "stale". Drained customers are more prone to irritation. Energized customers are more lenient to view you positively. Perhaps save some for later it will always come back if you know how to let it go. Many times while providing locksmith service in Waterloo it's just best to save that energy.
Don't scare off the customer!
3. Show Love and Compassion:
Your approach and how the customer reads you is very important. How do you look in the eyes of the customer and what picture you paint depends on your ability to look compassionate to understand the nature of the situation.
Everyone loves to be spoiled, well almost everyone. Sometimes even I had customers who refused free spare keys on site just for polite reasons. However, even the fact that I offered made me feel much better. The customer now knows that I am also generous. This is a turning point in winning your customer's trust quickly. Not a discount, but a freebie.
Pet your customer if required!
5. Do Not Catch Feelings:
Many times customers throw challenges at you, they believe that they are right and moreover they also want to be listened to while they're at it. The best thing for you to do is simply let the customer figure it out on his own. Do not show any sign of irritation or anger as a response which will be reflected on your face. Babies do the same, they test you. Stick to your facts and do not catch feelings!
0-100 Real slow!
6. Give a Compliment:
Anyone likes to be interested in, without too much effort show some interest in your customer if you see his demand for interest and let him shine if he goes for it. You value your customer, might as well get to know him.
Even if it is a little realistic! LOL
7. Keep Eye Communication:
Customers can often throw you off with their insults or remarks or perhaps tests which you need to pass in order to be rewarded with their trust and friendship. Appear confident and keep a good eye contact to show the customer you are not afraid of confrontation to defend your role as the professional or the service person. As always a professional locksmith service person one should avoid the confrontation and just finish the job charge and leave or simply leave the site in the first place. Psychologically some people tend to get in distress under such pressure, while there are others who are completely resilient to pressure.
Direct eye contact!
8. Be Informative:
One of the strongest tools for repeating customers depending on how well they know your business or service is being informative as you service your customer. Whether it is a product which the customer is enquiring or your service charges, being informative and explaining the values of your product/services. The way in which you want to present this to the customer and to paint the correct picture by keeping it simple. Sprit the most accurate information with the shortest amount of words, this will typically show your customer that you are informed more than less.
9. Always Keep Your Cool
In case things go downwards, you would want to avoid to get personal with the customer. Simply apologize leave the scene without leaving any further chance for escalation. Once the customer is set to assume something and he gets emotional it will be very difficult to turn the tide so best leave or if required ask the customer to leave the scene. Keeping your cool is another test which you can pass letting the customer know that you are not easily bendable.
Stay cool!
10. The Comeback
The comeback is only possible when you are allowing your customer to express his concerns while carefully examining each one of them and then providing the suitable solution to each concern that arises. Basically, let him cry on your shoulder but aim for a resolution. Once the customer perfectly understands that there is no basis for argument and everything is clear and you handled it professionally he might feel empathy for the pain he put you through. As a locksmith in Waterloo Ontario we are often subjected to this type of pain, but we believe that through this pain. We grow. This is when the comeback happens. Boom
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