We all want to get better, fix our relationships, our marriage, our family issues. But most importantly we want to fix ourselves.
As we are preparing for the new year 2019 and I believe that our society is very well self-focused therefore we must first like I said fix ourselves. Figure out our differences and find the right approach towards each other in the process.
As I learned in marriage, you're not actually dealing with your wife, you are dealing with your wife's issues, whatever it is that needs fixing, it begins with you! How you approach literally everything. So remember it's all about the approach and everyone has one.
Resolution 1:
Train Your Memory!
Practice the art of remembering and use different tricks to trigger your memory. Like listening to a song from your past which is associated with a certain point in time of your life. It is also known that revisiting all of those places you have previously been to is a healthy practice and helps restore lost memories. The most complicated way, in my opinion, is one that also requires lots of patience, imagine: going somewhere you went in the past and revisit the place but this time only in your memories. Try to connect them like a puzzle and create a "palace of memories" as they say. To my experience, not everyone has the time to sit and imagine things from their memory. Maybe when we get older, however doing those things which trigger those old memories is just a beginning for this practice.
Resolution 2:
Eat More Fish!
You obviously know that fish is good and don't worry because Fukushima 2011 earthquake, it probably didn't contaminate your fish. According to oceana.org the ocean fish is relatively safe to consume. However, I personally believe that radioactivity which is carried by the fish has an effect because it's carried by the fish and that fish ends up on our kitchen table. I personally love smoked Salomon, and it's considered to be a relatively healthy choice of breakfast.
It does, also, help improve your memory or help to make you even smarter depending on what you do with that maybe, think of it as "what can you do with a computer" now imagine your mind be that computer. Imagine that writing the right code in your brain cells
Fish and other omega-3 rich foods like Walnuts help the brain cells to stay healthier and help build more memory cells or make connections between cells.
Our brains are wired in a certain way and improving those badly wired connections into better outcomes made definitely easier with fatty acid foods. Especially when making new connections. I am by far no expert, I just read it somewhere...
When buying fresh fish make sure the fish is fresh and not stinky. It should smell like the ocean breeze. For dinner, it is best to season your fish, light 2.5-minute fry on both sides and give it a good 15-20 minute bake at 375Farenhite and if you add a tinfoil tray with a honey lemon butter sauce you will thank yourself even more!
Resolution 3:
Work On The Right Approach!
People can be difficult and each person has a viewpoint slightly different in his way, each person understands the world through his mind translating it the way it's been shaped through personal past experience and general logic.
There is no point in being with someone if you are not trying a different approach because nothing stays the same. Situations change in life and for each scenario or stage in your life you go through needs a different approach and not just an approach but the right approach, I definitely hope to catch up on those changes faster in 2019! Finding my best approach and attitude!
Resolution 4:
Listen to More Classical Music
I am talking symphonies because they are the best form of classical music. You can listen from the beginning and go through stages of the symphony as it progresses trying to understand the sounds you're hearing. If you used to listen to commercial music you might find classical music a little bizarre. Over time you will start picking up the compositions and you will begin to understand what you are hearing.
It is not scientifically proven yet that classical music makes you smarter, but there is something about how those tunes hit your eardrums. There is something different about it and it can take you back in time and maybe help trigger new memories.
Resolution 5:
Conquer A New Skill (Stay On Top)
With new abilities, you are a better you, so this year is your year to conquer a new skill. Since it takes about one year to actually get better pick something you will enjoy most and make the time for it. Staying on top of it while practice, your skill is important, getting back to what you've started is part of every successful learning process. Finishing your homework! Most importantly, to conquer a new skill, you have to make it fun for yourself. Without enjoyment, in the process, your mind might not be intrigued enough to actually achieve progress. You should make it fun both for you and the people around you.
Last Words For 2018:
As we exit this amazing year, we leave this period in time as better stronger and surely older. May 2019 will bloom the fruits of our learning experience!
"From the moment you wake up, it's your attitude and your approach that determines the outcome." - Eli Abbasov
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